Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 4: Fashion

Brave Love Blog 

Today's writing prompt is to give a fashion trend you love and hate. 

I'm not that into trendy stuff. Not that I don't admire it, it just isn't my thing. 

I'm more of a classic dressed person. I actually just donated bags and bags of clothes so I could stream line my wardrobe. Basic essential pieces with pops of fun here or there. I feel like I'm kinda an idiot for just figuring this out but my whole wardrobe was "fun" pieces. Which is great and I do love them still. I just had practically no essential pieces to build multiple outfits out one thing. Make sense? I just had that one fun thing that could only be worn that way. Also, I'm in a different season of life now. I'm a mom. I'm a wife and I'm getting closer to thirty. I don't want to be wearing the same clothes a kid in High School is wearing. 

So for my fashion trend I love is classic/southern/beach/prep with a hint of lazy in there. What can I say I love my yoga pants. Lol

So for my trend I don't like. Pointy scary nails. 

They scare me. How do you live? I just don't know. Gosh, I'm pretty sure I would injure myself and others around me. 

Another thing I don't get are rompers. I think they look super cute on some people but what happens when you have to use the bathroom. You take off all your clothes? I could get behind it if it had a button crotch like baby rompers do. I don't know. I could see me wearing one for the first time and then having a stomach explosion. All sorts of problems. 

So that's all I have to say about fashion bc I clearly have no expertise in this at all. 

What fashion trend do you like or dislike?


  1. Absolutely can't stand those pointy scary nails either...!

  2. those nails are terrifying! and i just went through my wardrobe and did the same. i feel like i need to shop to replace the empty space...
